Company information and legal directions
Company information
Körting Hannover GmbH
Badenstedter Str. 56
30453 Hannover
Telephone: +49 511 2129 - 0
District Court Hannover HRB 219013
Turnover tax ID-N°.: DE115664672
Domiciled in: Hannover
Board of Management:
Dr.-Ing. York Fusch (Chairman)
Dipl.-Kfm. Martin Fusch
Legal directions
Körting Hannover GmbH habitually checks and updates the information given on its web site. In spite of all the care taken, data can have changed in the meantime. A liability or guarantee for the currentness of data as well as the correctness and completeness of the available information may not therefore be assumed. The same applies to all other web sites to which a hyperlink reference has been made. Körting Hannover GmbH is not responsible for the contents of web sites to which such a reference is given.
Furthermore, Körting Hannover GmbH reserves the right to make alterations or supplementations to the information placed at disposal.
The contents and structure of the Körting web sites are copyright protected. Duplication of information or data, particularly the use of texts, parts of texts or photographic material therefore requires an advance written agreement from Körting Hannover GmbH.