Liquid jet solids ejector

A liquid motive medium is used to convey solids. The solids are either introduced via a funnel or they can also be sucked in. A carrier medium e.g. water or air is mixed in to improve the delivery effect.


Bulk material conveyor technique (bulk handling) with Körting ejectors

The mobile liquid jet solids pump is used for pumping granular and powdery materials (max. grain diameter 8 mm). The pumped material is mixed and conveyed with the motive water while mixing or rinsing water is added at the same time. Areas of application for the liquid jet solids pump include filling, cleaning and emptying water treatment plants, pumping gravel, sand and salts - as well as granulated slag and ash in ash removal plants, etc.

Mobile version of the Körting liquid jet solids ejector
Mobile version of the Körting liquid jet solids ejector
Stationary version of the Körting liquid jet solids ejector
Stationary version of the Körting liquid jet solids ejector

Working principle of a Körting Liquid jet solids ejector

Flow chart of a mobile liquid jet solids ejector
Flow chart of a mobile liquid jet solids ejector
Working principle of a liquid jet solids ejector when filling filters with solids
Working principle of a liquid jet solids ejector when filling filters with solids


Water treatment and water works

  • conveying filter materials such as activated carbon, gravel, exchange resins
  • conveying lignite dust in activated sludge


Swimming pool / pool construction and building

  • as an elevator (water jet ejector) for conveying of solid filter material



  • pumping water/solids mixtures out of the deep
  • laying of marine cables
  • conveying ash/air mixtures from incineration systems on passenger ships

Special solutions for larger delivery volume

For larger quantities and grain sizes of more than 8 mm, special solutions can be used. Depending on the area of application, liquid jet solid ejectors are designed as welding or welding/casting construction for optimally individual applications.

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